
Archive for december, 2008

The rich get richer and the poor even more poor

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The land of the rich

This statement could not  be more true when talking aboute the United States of America. It has always been the land of hopes and dreams, but when all comes to all, it seams as if, it still is more fun to be rich in the US.

The real wages

There has the past twenty years only been rises in the real wages for the richest part of the population. This is not only unfair, but also unwise. I mean, there is no question that the middelclass is the greatest class as a whole, and therefor ought to be looked gently upon. read more aboute the development of the real wages in the US here

Written by admin

december 31st, 2008 at 10:27 am

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Queen of cosmetics looses money on Madoff

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The Queen

The french queen of cosmetics, Liliane Bettencourt, who is the world’s 17. richest woman is alo one of the victims of Bernard Madoff”s scam. She did as an only child inherried the money after her farther, Eugéne Schueller, who inventet a new way of colloring hair. He founded L’oreal back in the days.

Was adviced to invest by Madoff

Liliane Bettencourt was adviced by her financial advisor to invest part of her money at Bernard Madoff’s swindling company. The financial advisor Thierry Magon de La Villehuchet, was found death in he office in New York the day before Christmas. He had killed himself when he found out that he had advised Madame Bettencourt to do business with the devil og business. Liliane Bettencourts meeting with Bernard Madoff here

Written by admin

december 29th, 2008 at 9:36 pm

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Who shall save the global economy?

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Who is the saviour?

Eventhough the americans at the fall of Fanny and Freddy Mac was judged out as a great player in the global economy, there is in my mind no doubt that the comming american government lead by President Obama will be able to work wonders for the global economy.

Larry Summer in charge of the finances?

Many have speculated that Obama will pich Larry Summer to be in charge of the american economy. He became professor at Harvard at the age of 28 and was Secretary of the Treasury during Clintons presidency. The becoming Secretary of Treasury or not, he has some important views on how to rescur the american and thereby perhaps the american economy. read more aboute how Larry Summers will save american economy here

Written by admin

december 26th, 2008 at 11:26 am

Christmas shopping ’08

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Will it beat last year?

It has always been a great indicator of the shape of the financial situation wether the currant years christmas shopping would beat last years when it comes to the sums spend.This year there has been a lot of speculation as to wether we would cut down due to the financial situation world wide.

Gifts could not fit under the tree

Until we see some numbers it will mostly be guesses, but if I look at the christmas in my own home, I do not think that we have given smaller gifts than we usually do. In fact, we were almost unable to fit the gifts af a family of five in under the tree. read more aboute this years christmas spendings here

Written by admin

december 25th, 2008 at 11:05 am

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Carlsberg in Russia

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What is a Danish brewery doing i Russia?

That is a good question. The answer is, that Carlsberg aboute a year ago decided to try to expend their share of the market worldwide. They bought themselves into a russian brewery, believing that they made a bargin. Problems?

Falling oliprices

It is a problem worldwide for the oil producing countries that they have not been able to stabilize the oil prices. Russia is, as most other countries hit by the falling prices. This has amongst other factors made the russian consumers put their money back in their pockets. read more aboute Carlsbergs set backs in Russia here

Written by admin

december 18th, 2008 at 9:31 pm

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The stock market defys the bad news

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The unemployment situation

Today news aboute the unemployment rates hit the streets. The situation is whorse than expected by experts as 250.000 people are now out of jobs instead of the 205.000 that were expected. These people are in a terrible situation loosing their jobs this close to christmas.

The Beige Book

Around noon american time the yearly Beige Book came on the street. This book contains an analycsis of the nations financial situation in general. The bank managers of the twelve Central Banks contribute to the analysis by sharing their views. This year the evaluation of the financial situation was whorse than last year. aboute the good new on the stock market today here

Written by admin

december 16th, 2008 at 7:15 pm

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American economy in extreeme trouble?

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One bad thing never comes alone!

Several different accidents have struck the american economy at the same time. The result; the world’s greatest economy is in “an exceptional difficult period”, if one aske  the OECD.

What happened?

All of a sudden the real estate market crashed, the finance cricis struck and combined with high foodcosts prices these factors have lead to that the financial activities abruptly slowed down during 2008. The bad times for the americans are fare from done. OSED predicts that 2009 will been at least just as bad. The BNP is expected to fall by 1 percent, the private spending by 1,2 % and the unemployment rate is expected to rise from 5,7 % to 7,3 %. read more aboute the financial crises here

Written by admin

december 14th, 2008 at 5:28 pm

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Danish financial scandal

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What happened?

Recently a huge financial scandal evolved in the small kingdom of Denmark. Everything is so very idyllic in this small country with princes and princesses, but lately a financial scandal has made the surface crack. Most wanted Stein Bagger has defrauded his employer IT Factory and banks in and outside the danisk boarders.

The sinner

His name is Stein Bagger. His is now wanted all over the world, with his name on the lists of Interpol. He has committed fraud for 1.2 billion danish kroner equivilant to 200 million dollar. He did this making false IT-contracts and then borrowing money on these. read more aboute the financial scandal involving Stein Bagger

Written by admin

december 4th, 2008 at 8:25 pm

Thailand: Still a manget for vacation

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Vacation magnet

For many years Thailand with its great cities and bounty beaches has been an absolute vacation magnet for travelers out experiencing Asia. Not only has the country got a very kind population it also offers shopping and food prices that are quit affordable. You got to love that place

The demonstrations

For the past month or so demomstration have been taking place in the capital of Bangkok, as king-friendly demonstrants have been occupying the International airport of Thailand. The demonstrantes wanted to force the sitting premier minister to go due to corruption alligations. read more aboute the financial effects of the demonstrations of Thailand here

Written by admin

december 2nd, 2008 at 4:47 pm

Top managers and directors

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The conventional view is that strategy is the business of top management. In this view, it is absolutely vital that top management are clearly seperated frm operational responsibilities, so that they can focus on over all strategy. If top managers are directly involved in such as sales and or service delivery, they are liable to get distracted from the long term perspective.

The role

In the reality, the top management role involves much more than setting directions. Also, different roles are played by different members of the top team, wether cheif executive officers, the top management team or non-executive directors are in play Read more aboute the difficulties being a<manager

Written by admin

december 1st, 2008 at 8:10 pm

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