
Archive for november, 2008

Greenland wants their independence

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Should Greenland be independent?

Recently Greenland voted aboute wether the population thought that the country should be entirely independent from Denmark. Most Danes believe that Greenland should be independent. The self-government agreement that was made more than twentyfive years ago, was supposed to be a temporaly deal and is say the president of the home rule no longer up to date.

What about the minerals and the oil?

The issue in this whole matter is partly wether Greenland should be given the rights to the minerals and the oil in the subsurface. Most danes do find it fair that the people of Greenland get these rights. I personally think that there ought to be some sharing since the Danish state fiananced the area for a long time. read more aboute the independence of Greenland here

Written by admin

november 29th, 2008 at 8:53 pm

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The terror bombing in India

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Terrorist struck again

Last last night local time bombs of terror struck specifificly intented targets around Bombay. Most targets were picked because of the high concentration of foreigns staying there. The two hotels that were bombed and later the scene of hostage situationsn are the luxury Taj Mahal Hotel and the Oberoi Trident.

Will this scare the tourists away?

All day we have heard about the hostage situation on the news. I man who got out of one of the hotels told about how the terrorists had asked people with american and british pasports to step forward. This could only start speculations on how these western-hating terrorists would treat the western pasport owners. read more about the financial consequences of the terror attack in India here

Written by admin

november 27th, 2008 at 8:17 pm

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Ministry of Sound

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One man’s dream

In 1991 James Palumbo invested 340.000 euros of his own capital into a new dance club located in an old South London bus depot. As an old Etonian, a graduate of Oxford University and a former merchant banker, Palumbo was an unlikely entrant into a dance culture that was still raw and far from respectable. He actually preferred classical music.

Difficult start

The Ministry of Sound’s start had been difficult. Dance music had its origin in ‘acid house’, itself with its roots in the futuristic, electronic music of the gay clubs of Chicago and New York. Dance music arrived in the UK during 1988, the so-called ‘Second Summer of love’, strongly associated with the recreational drugs. It was a turulent period dealing with the drug problems. read more about the sucessful bussines *Ministry og Sound here

Written by admin

november 26th, 2008 at 8:50 pm

The American financial helping package is GOOD

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Better late than never

The American Government started out creating a help package in the cooling water og Fanny May and Freddy Mac. Now finally the American politiciens have sent 800 billion dollar out to the last link of the financial system – namely the consumers. This link being the home owners and consumers are important when wanting to turn the financial situation around.

Forcing the interest rates down

Whereas the first financial package was directed toward the ailing financial sector, the American Central Bank this time expects to spend 600 billion dollar buying up debts, wich either are issued or secured by public controled  mortage credit companies. read more about the new financial help package i the US

Written by admin

november 25th, 2008 at 10:18 pm

Strategy as design

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The design lens

The design lens build on two different principles. The first is that managers are, or should be, rational decisions makers. The second is that they should be taking decisions on how to optimise economic performance of their organisations.

Are that what managers do then?

Most managers would probably agree that that is they way that they are to do. The principle of economics and the guidelines provided by the decision sciences support and feed the notion that this is what strategic management is all about. Never the less managers are sometimes comtrolled by other factors. read more about the strategies here

Written by admin

november 24th, 2008 at 8:05 pm

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Should the states support the car industry?

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State finance

The past week the car industry has been taking up a lot of space in the news. The industry is suffering from the financial situation, not selling any cars. The spokesmen of the industry have been saying the the governments must take action as they have done in relation to the banking industry. I not really sure wether I like this idea?

The US

Most obviously the American car industry is in big trouble, as this is the greatest producer of car in the world. But Opel in Germany are also having problems. Opel has asked the German government to grant money to keep the factory from closing. read more about the dilemma of financial support to the car industry here

Written by admin

november 23rd, 2008 at 8:55 pm

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The strategy lenses

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Strategy as a design

This takes the view that strategy development can be a local process in which the forces and constraints on the organisation are weighted carefully through analytic and evaluative techniques to establish clear strategy direction. This creates conditions in which carefully planned strategy implementation should occur.

Strategy as experience

Here the view is that future strategies of organisations are heavily influenced by the experience of the managers and others in the organisation based on their previous strategies.Strategies are driven not so mush by clear-cut analysis as by the taken-for-granted assumptions and ways og doing things embedded in the culture of organisations. read more aboute stratigic lenses here

Written by admin

november 20th, 2008 at 8:05 pm

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Are the food prices falling?

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I heard it on the radio

Just the other day I heard that consumers all over the world can expect food prices to drop. This would be a change to the rise that we had gotten used to. I know that the prices on food have to got up every now and then, but seriously, this past year has been somewhat crazy in my oppinion.

Salaries do not rise as much

To give an example: I usually buy detergent for washing cloth when it is on sale. I used to be able to get five bottles for 15 $ now it is 17 $. I also belive that the prices on meat has rosen dramaticly. The problem in my household is that me salary do not rise with the same speed as these prices. read more about food prices and western cry babies here

Written by admin

november 18th, 2008 at 7:20 pm

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The war in DR Congo

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The war

Everyone knows that somewhere there are people making great many money on wars. At some point the US was blamed for starting a war everytime the government got short of money. This is probably a bit over the edge – but then again it might also contain a bit of truth. What is for sure is that the population of Congo is not the ones who are bennefitting from this terible war!

All the suffering

We have all seen the pictures in the news. Vilages burnes down, people who have lost what they had of values. Many have been forced to flee into refugecamps to be able to protect themselve Read the rest of this entry »

Written by admin

november 14th, 2008 at 7:34 pm

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The evil helix

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No jobs for you today

We have for the past decade gotten used to low unemployment rates, which really helps the comsumers feel optimistic speending money that they do not have. Times have changes and so has the curve of unemployment, causing many people to loose homes – it is tragic.

Banks unwilling to give loans

As a direct effect of the financial cirsis that we are experiencing right now banks have made it harder for people to obtain loans. But it is now only “Joe the plummer” who is having problems getting money. The banks have an internal system, in which they loan from each other. Those having money are umwillingly to let the others loan it. The trust(s) has left the system in more than one sence! read more aboute the consequenses of the financial disaster here

Written by admin

november 13th, 2008 at 8:12 pm

Posted in economics

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